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Hannah Fortune
Jul 27, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
I shaved my hair for fun but now it won’t grow back, patches like holes in the friendships that have grown over the past year. // I can’t feel the tips of my fingers, my knuckles too heavy to add a pen to their weight. But I’ve got that friend who tells me I’m smart when I do my NY times puzzles, and she still tells me that even when I don’t. // And I’ve got that dog that stares at me like I am more captivating than anything she’s ever seen. // It’s 100 degrees for the 6th day in a row, my heating pad cranked to match. but my love thinks I’m hotter than any of that, even more now with the scars of time and test results. // I don’t want to wear the outfit but my sister knows why and decides to match me instead. // And I still cry every October 3rd like it’s that one, but I don’t cry alone anymore.
Hannah Fortune
Apr 10, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
Do you ever feel astonished by the finality of this moment
Watching you dog root around in the soil, convinced today he will catch that squirrel
Soaking in each ray of sun the Pacific Northwest clouds above allow
Watching him sway with the wind, his nose dancing its hummingbird beat
Barking his yearning for my protection, oh why do I wish that moment forward when really I want it to last forever
- a love letter to my dog
Hannah Fortune
Mar 12, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
When I think of the woman in my lineage,
I know that I carry their strength,
Their unfaltering confidence,
The unwavering backing of their truth
I stand on the backs and soil of tenacity,
Of tightly grasped complacency,
Steadfastness rooted in self-approbation
The backs I stand on remain beacons of strength, flood lights shining on their supposed truths,
Ever a reminder of the power of my voice,
One that could demand destruction with a snap can surely be re-aimed
I know that I carry lost voices, lost dreams
Silenced by the backs I stand on
The dirt beneath my feet reminding me I carry it all:
Their strength, their steadfastness,
Their cruelty, their games, their sick pride;
The revelry in death at their hands, their words
But, I carry it so differently
I am here to turn them on their head, make them roll over
On their stomach in the dirt, they’ll hear me change it, change everything
Their choices are not mine, but the strength is and I will continue to break it open;
That strength now used as a propulsion of love, and never again hate
— I carry such power; I mustn’t misuse it
Hannah Fortune
Nov 08, 2023
In Share Your Writing Here
i don’t want to care if this gets me anything
this is for me
this is for who i used to be and who i don’t know yet
but i think she wants to play guitar
my fingers calloused from the strings
what manicure, these hands wash dishes,
and walk dogs, open bottles,
and hold their face for a quick kiss
i don’t want to care if there’s a result
of pencils on pages or outcomes
no reason other than to have it
to grasp it and hold it
play it or kiss it
soak it all the way in
no results
i don’t want to care if it gets me anything
Hannah Fortune
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