She sat at our kitchen table as we ate slowly
And talked fast
Laughing and sharing little parts
Of our hearts and our days
As the plates were cleared
She told us she had a song she wrote
“I Know my relationship was good. But also
It ended for a reason…..
I wrote a song for the heart break in the middle.
The loss of not being terrible, but still not okay.”
We sat upright in our chairs,
eager to learn of these lyrics
When her mouth fell open
A cathedral poured out of her
A calling to those that are a little lost and
searching for a place to be found,
To pray not to someone outside of themselves,
But inward to their own sprit inside
Guiding them to finally choose themselves
With every line she sang
The cathedral called more wayward souls in
When she hit the high notes
She shattered through the roofs of heaven
The message made clear as the kitchen lights flickered
I’ve only known church to be a place for god
Her voice is a cathedral for the godless
Her voice is a cathedral for our magic