Notice that your thoughts are prompts for poems
Take those thoughts and gift yourself the pleasure of putting them on the page
Let yourself see that you get to live twice when you are a poet: once when you experience the piece and again when you write it down
Walk barefoot in the tall grass and let the calluses layer more on the balls of your feet with every step
When the wind whispers in your ear, listen to her, then write it down
Excavate the dark spaces in your belly rather than the cobwebs that have formed in the past from neglect
Hold eye contact with the stranger passing you for one second longer
Know that heartbreak can fuel writing faster, but love can fuel writing longer
Listen for the noises behind the blaring ones- listen for her quiet breath in the early hours of the morning - listen for the yawn of the dog in the other room - listen for the veins within you that is a river flowing through your entirety
When tears come, don’t try to stop them, but welcome them. Notice how they hold a different weight and speed. Ask them what emotion they are expelling from your heart today.
Relish in the beauty that your words are where your heart comes out of your body
Relish in the beauty that the more you write, the less you know
Relish in the beauty that the more you write, the more you love
Relish in the beauty that the more your pen hits the page, the more your heart cracks open
Relish in the beauty that you are actually not a poet, but a poem in the making