Death and love seem to be on opposite ends of a spectrum
We tend to run towards one
And run away from the other
Yet I believe they exist in parallel
Hand in hand as equals in this existence
Both make us feel emotions that are indescribable- no matter how may artists, philosophers, and scientists may attempt at it
Both knock the wind out from our lungs
with such power that it brings us to our knees
Both can feel unattainable and unreachable in different seasons of life
Both can feel unavoidable and unfair in different seasons of life
Both are out of our control
Both are unexpected
Both can never be planned or prepared for
Both make us feel weary of touching the hot handle on the stove
Both make us feel like we should hold onto the hot handle if it means we can feel them at all
Both require breaking, darkness, and ending
Both make no sense yet are the entire reason we exist
Both make no sense yet we wouldn’t be living without them
Both make no sense yet we would not know
the magnitude
The depth
The capacity we hold to feel
Without the pull of one
And the push of the other
Death and love
Are our greatest teachers
Who show us how
And necessary it is
To love big enough in this life
That our spirits live past our bodies
By living in the hearts of those
Lucky enough to have loved us in this lifetime
Hopeful enough
To love us again in the next life to come