stuff that tearful feeling down
gag it and shove it into the darkest corner of your mind
in order to write happy poetry you cannot be on the verge of tears
think of happy things
don’t think about your gaping mother wound
or how broken you feel every other day
and definitely don’t let the existential dread creep in
instead, think of long hugs
and the way the light filters through the window
casting everything in gold
just avoid the bad stuff at all costs
write down some metaphor that you always use
or talk about trees and mountains like they’re your church
people love that shit
compare yourself to the smell of wet dirt
just don’t jump from that to something like
“I am the soil beneath the feet of all those who have tread through my door and still chosen to leave… dry and thirsting for compassion…”
stuff it back down
nobody wants to hear you go on and on about all the abandonment!
spare these people your victimization
just be happy
you can do that right?
you can still feel joy?
If you’re always sad nobody will want to listen to your poetry and why write sad stuff when you can write stuff like, “sweet gentle pigeon bobbing up and down the sidewalk…
…you used to be so useful, then we used you and moved on like you weren’t a crucial part of society…”
dang it…
there you go again
comparing yourself to pigeons
that’s not how to not write a sad poem…
Still one of my fave moments when you read this out loud. Still remains a fave as I read it again to myself <3 <3 <3