I need to apologize to you
I have only been telling part of the story
I've been casting you as a villain
I've made you feel irredeemable
The real story started a long time ago
I would know
I was there
I know what you went through
I know what it took from you
I know what you had to do to survive
I know because I was there
It wasn't your fault
You didn't ask for it
But you got it anyway
I ignored you
I cast you out
I was cruel to you
And I sometimes still am
I need you to know how sorry I am
I can hear you
I can see you
I know how you feel
Because I feel it too
Please forgive me
I accept you
I love you
"The real story started a long time ago
I would know
I was there" I love this. thank you for sharing. <3