All we ever speak of is light, and so to speak to you I must hide the larger part of who I am. You want to hear of my silly, funny, skin deep parts- but my blackened frame underneath BEGS to be seen… yearns to be asked about... cries out for attention. It doesn't need to be understood, it just needs to be recognized. Every time it peeks out from underneath my flesh, you freeze from discomfort. You pretend it is not there. You act as if it doesn't matter; as if it doesn't support my whole self and define my lighter side. You reject my darkness, but do you not have darkness under your guise of light? Do you not have more to yourself than laughter and whit? Have you somehow managed to chase the sun and hide from the night? I was created in darkness. I was raised in the absence of light. I was conditioned to see with night vision. Please, I beg, try to adjust your eyes to see me as I am. Try to acknowledge there is more to me than sunshine. I blind myself to see your light, and I crave to see your darkness.
This is beautiful, Mack! 😍
I love this so much!! 💜